quello nuovo....mah

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  1. Perfect Cell 87

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    Lunghissimi combattimenti al di là delle possibilità umane, sfere da raccogliere in ogni dove e un drago che realizza desideri: dopo aver fatto la fortuna del fumetto e della serie TV, tutto questo arriverà su grande schermo. Le ultime notizie hollywoodiane dicono infatti che "Dragon Ball" si prepara per la sfida definitiva: riuscire a fare un buon film utilizzando pure attori in carne e ossa.

    La pellicola sarà scritta e diretta da James Wong, che è quello dietro "Final Destination" e che sta portando avanti il casting con l'intenzione di cominciare le riprese a novembre 2007.
    Stando alle voci di corridoio, deve trovare gli attori giusti per:

    * Goku 18enne
    * Bulma di 20 anni
    * Yamcha altrettanto giovane
    * Gohan (nonno di Goku) intorno ai 70 anni
    * e poi il Maestro Tartaruga, vecchio in modo indefinibile

    Al di là del casting, la domanda è: come gestire in live action gli esagerati combattimenti di "Dragon Ball"? È vero infatti che gli effetti speciali possono fare miracoli, ma costano un botto e questo non sembra un progetto da 200 milioni di dollari (il budget di "Spider-Man 2", tanto per capirci).
    Appena abbiamo novità ve le giriamo.

    Di seguito notizie dettagliate della trama STRAVOLTA (in inglese) come spesso avviene per i fumetti trasposti in versione cinematografica:

    [GOKU] 18 years old, Goku is considered uncool and unpopular at school, but he is in fact an extremely talented martial arts fighter who gets rigorous training from his grandfather, Gohan. After the death of his grandfather by the evil Lord Piccolo, Goku finds his destiny in his grandfather's dying request that he find Master Roshi and gather all seven Dragon Balls (of which he has one) in order to prevent Piccolo from succeeding in his desire to use the dragonballs to take over the world. Trained by Master Roshi, aided by Bulma and Yamcha, friends he meets along the way, Goku proves himself a formidable, almost undefeatable fighter. On many dangerous adventures to find the remaining Dragon Balls and thus save the world, Goku conquers physical and emotional challenges, ultimately saving the world but clearly impelled to spend his life searching for the Dragon Balls with his trusty companions...LEAD

    [BULMA] 20s, female, pretty, with great intelligence behind her gleaming eyes, Bulma is a determined, competitive young woman whose father's five star Dragon Ball was stolen by Lord Piccolo, and who believes that she can harness their unlimited energy and change the world like Edison or Einstein. Bulma, who has a DBE (a Dragon Ball locator device), teams up with Goku, and with him meets up with Master Roshi and Yamcha as they attempt to collect the missing Dragon Balls before Piccolo can destroy the world. A resourceful and courageous young woman who's also a weapons expert, she overcomes many obstacles with her colleagues, only to find the seven Dragon Balls ultimately snatched from their grasp--but it's clear she's going to continue searching for them with Goku and Yamcha...LEAD

    [YAMCHA] 20s, "the bad boy who has no trouble attracting women," he taunts Goku, Bulma and Master Yoshi, who are trapped in a sand cave, rather than helping them with his rope ladder. However, after overhearing Master Roshi's tale of Piccolo once nearly destroyed the Earth and are preparing to do so again, Yamcha has a change of heart and not only helps the three in the desert, but becomes a valuable part of the team. An ingenious young man whose utililty truck is the Swiss Army Knife of trucks--every tool and gear imaginable sprouts from its body--Yamcha joins Goku, Bulma (with whom he becomes romantically involved) and Master Yoshi on their quest to find the seven Dragon Balls before Piccolo...LEAD

    [MASTER ROSHI] This older man is a good friend of Goku's grandfather, Gohan, and Goku comes to enlist his help after his grandfather is killed. Although he looks like a beggar, Roshi is one of the world’s most fearsome fighters. Master Roshi begins Goku's rigorous training to prepare him for the adventure of finding and fighting for the seven Dragon Balls to save the world from Piccolo's destructive plan. A wise, somewhat wry man who knows as much about human nature as he does about martial arts, Master Roshi is impressed with Goku's fighting but reminds him of his failings as well. Ultimately, Master Roshi sacrifices his own life in order to destroy Piccolo...LEAD

    [MAI] Late 20s, female, her features exotic, sexy but deadly, dressed in gleaming black, with weapons strapped all over her body, she's a martial arts expert and Lord Piccolo's chief enforcer. Crafty and quick thinking, Mai uses her ability to shapeshift near the climax of the movie and takes on the form of Chi Chi, a young martial arts expert who's romantically involved with Goku and later saves Piccolo from Master Roshi's curse; once she is revealed she ends up in the fight of her life.

    [LORD PICCOLO] An ancient being who despite his humanoid appearance, is from an alien race determined to take over the world. Piccolo is the cursed ruler of a demonic race who nearly destroyed Earth 2000 years ago, and with the coming of the eclipse and the possession of all seven Dragon Balls, he's prepared to free himself and do the job right this time. Crafty and smart, Piccolo has some disturbing news for Goku, namely that the boy is actually a Saiyan who's destined to join Piccolo as his right hand in destroying and enslaving the planet...LEAD

    [CHI CHI] Goku’s lifelong love interest, Chi Chi is an attractive, tom boy-ish young woman who has grown up with Goku. She has studied martial arts and has always suspected that Goku possesses talents that are unusual and extraordinary. After Goku embarks on his journey to redeem his grandfather’s death, Chi Chi meets up with Goku and his crew at a tournament of champions where their mutual attraction finally heats up during a training session.

    [GOHAN] Goku's kindly, wise grandfather, he looks like he's in his 70s but moves like Jet Li. An accomplished martial artist who trains Goku on the bow staff, he loves his grandson and is happy to prepare a special feast for him on his 18th birthday, as well as a special gift: a 3 star Dragon Ball. Tragically, Gohan is struck down by the high ninjas of the Namek-Jins, and as he dies he sends his grandson out to do face his destiny and do battle against them...
  2. Perfect Cell 87

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    Notizie sul cast e data di uscita

    Dragon Ball Z avrebbe finalmente un nome per il protagonista!
    Ad interpretare Goku dovrebbe esserci Justin Chatwin, ovvero il figlioletto odioso di Tom Cruise nella spieberghiana Guerra dei Mondi, mentre come alter ego, a vestire i panni di Piccolo, ovviamente dipinto tutto di verde, entrerebbe in scena James Marsters, già visto in Buffy, Smalville e Angel! Chatwin si starebbe addirittura già allenando con 87Eleven, un gruppo di famosissimi stuntmen che hanno dato vita alle scene d’azione di Matrix, The Bourne Supremacy,Mr. & Mrs. Smith e 300.
    Il tutto per una data d’uscita ormai confermata… 15 agosto 2008! Staremo a vedere...

    con le rose nel metrò

    Juventus FC

    nn mi aspetto nulla
  4. Perfect Cell 87

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    Farà schifo anche secondo me ..... :(

    con le rose nel metrò

    Juventus FC

    speriamo sia almeno piu decente di quello skifo dell altro topic
  6. Perfect Cell 87

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    Asd speriamo almeno quello :huh:
  7. Flenain Plants

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    Bah...lo andrò a guardare,ma non credo lo considererò Dragonball... <_<
  8. Perfect Cell 87

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    quoto flenain ;)
  9. ° Sabaku no CaroL °

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    Mi sa di caz°ata colossale............ =.=

    con le rose nel metrò

    Juventus FC

    non puoi fa roba su DB con esseri umani..è come dipingere di blu un gruppo di persone e dire ke sono puffi
  11. Flenain Plants

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    Invece credo che si possa fare,ma mancano i soldi per gli effetti speciali ed un regista che sia fan di Dragonball,e che quindi faccia la storia bene O_O'...
    Però i soldi che hanno messo per Spiderman 3...ecco,quelli ci vorrebbero :P

    Ma visto che tutto questo NON SI PUO' FARE(:cry:)allora direi di fare un anime lungometraggio,di 2 ore magari,da trasmettere al cinema ^^
  12. Trunks93™

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    CITAZIONE (Flenain Plants @ 13/1/2008, 09:32)
    Ma visto che tutto questo NON SI PUO' FARE(:cry:)allora direi di fare un anime lungometraggio,di 2 ore magari,da trasmettere al cinema ^^

    Ormai TOEI ha chiuso con l'anime di Dragon Ball (al massimo nei videogiochi come Budokai 3 potremo aspettarci qualcosa cmq niente da fare) <_< ,l'unica cosa possibile è rovinarlo con questo film @_@
  13. ° Sabaku no CaroL °

    User deleted

    Già... Putroppo Trunks is right :cry:
  14. Flenain Plants

    User deleted

    Già :cry:
  15. ° Sabaku no CaroL °

    User deleted

    Comunque se la TOEI facesse un seguito di Dragon Ball ( partendo ovviamente da Dragon Ball GT ), io ci rimarrei mOOooOolto male.... -_-
52 replies since 18/11/2007, 10:46   1478 views